Make urban buses fare-free. Only then will urban planning make any sense.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

76% of Americans are open to using #publictransit over driving

dailynews - letters : "While not all of us are ready to ditch our cars immediately, many are becoming more interested in the convenience and cost-effectiveness of available public transportation options. A 2013 America THINKS survey from HNTB Corp. revealed that 76 percent of Americans are open to taking public transportation over driving — up 7 percent from when HNTB last asked that question in 2010."

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Jammed: L.A., San Francisco tops in traffic misery

usatoday: "Los Angeles congestion increased 2% in 2013, rising to the highest levels in five years, the report said. Drivers with a 30-minute daily commute were delayed an average of 90 hours while behind the wheel in 2013."

(Photo: Reed Saxon, AP)